Thursday 17 November 2011

Why Corporate Doesn't Get It - Diversity and Marketing

Who came up with this?
An entire room of people approved this and thought this was cool?
Did they test this concept with a cross section of the population? 
Did noone think this was a
Are they completely and utterly daft?

I am sure you have seen a poster or an ad which made you ask a variation of one of the aforementioned questions. I have. While the target market for a product or brand may have specific characteristics, does that exclude consideration of the wider issues within the society, from cultural differences, ethnic variance and gender or sexual orientation, among others?

I thought this was an amazing presentation on diversity and cross cultural communication from a corporate perspective, from Sacha Joseph-Matthews, Assistant Professor of Marketing at the Eberhardt School of Business at the University of the Pacific (and yes, she is Trinidadian). 


WOW I am completly blown away by the ads Nivea and Playstation decided to put out. "Re Civilize Yourself" "White is Coming" I can not believe the lack of ethnic sensitivity and intelligence coming from these major corporations.This is a really great post and if you dont mind, I want to share it on my blog and Twitter. These ad agencies really need to hear this seminar and other like it. And I am proud that she is teaching at the university in my home town :)

And I am proud she is Trini!
It is a presentation that really begs the question, are we creating and communicating in a vacuum? How does anyone think such ads are universally acceptable?

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